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Table 1 The aetiological classification of DSD

From: A review of the essential concepts in diagnosis, therapy, and gender assignment in disorders of sexual development




A. Sex chromosomal DSD


Turner’s syndrome, XO



Klinefelter’s syndrome, XXY



Mixed gonadal dysgenesis, XO/XY


Ovotesticular DSD, XX/XY


SR + 46 XX testicular DSD


B. Disorders of gonadal development


46 XY complete gonadal dysgenesis


46 XY partial gonadal dysgenesis


46 XY ovotesticular DSD


Testicular regression syndrome


46 XX pure gonadal dysgenesis


46 XX ovotesticular DSD


C. Abnormalities in phenotypic sex secondary to hormonal defects

a. 46 XY DSD

Defects in androgen synthesis

Leydig cell hypoplasia,

testosterone biosynthesis defects, 5-alpha reductase deficiency


Defect in androgen action

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (complete/partial)


Defect in AMH synthesis or action

Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome

b. 46 XX DSD

Disorders of genital development due to androgen excess


1. Fetal origin

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

(CYP21A2 deficiency,

CYP11B1 deficiency, etc.)


2. Fetoplacental origin

Aromatase deficiency, androgen secreting tumors


3. Maternal origin

Drugs/virilizing tumors

D. Primary endocrine abnormalities


Central endocrine dysfunction

Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, pan-hypopitutarism

E. Malformation syndromes

Associated with external genital anomalies

Persistent Cloaca, cloacal exstrophy, MRKH syndrome/Mullerian agenesis, vaginal atresia

  1. 46 XY DSD male pseudohermaphrodite, under-virilized male; 46 XX DSD female pseudohermaphrodite, androgenized female; True hermaphrodite ovotesticular DSD; 46 XX testicular DSD XX male/XX sex reversal; 46 XY complete gonadal dysgenesis XY sex reversal