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Table 4 The further characterization of 46 XY DSD, based on endocrine and genetic studies

From: A review of the essential concepts in diagnosis, therapy, and gender assignment in disorders of sexual development

Type of 46 XY DSD


Findings:common, specific

Defects in androgen synthesis


Common finding: low testosterone on hCG stimulation, normal, or increased AMH

a. Leydig cell hypoplasia/LH Receptor defects


Normal ACTH, testosterone: androstenedione ratio > 1

b. Testosterone biosynthesis defects

17-beta hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase deficiency

Normal ACTH, testosterone: androstenedione ratio < 1


3-beta hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase deficiency

Increased ACTH, ACTH test-increased 1-OH pregnenelone, 17-OHP; minimum virilization, salt wasting


p450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency

Increased progesterone and 17-OHP, glucocorticoid deficiency+/−


17,20 lyase deficiency, +/−17 hydroxylase deficiency

Increased progesterone: 17-OHP ratio, hypertension, hypokalemia


StAR deficiency, congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia, cholesterol side chain cleavage deficiency

Decreased level of all precursors, salt wasting syndrome

c. Defect in peripheral conversion

5-alpha reductase deficiency

Increased testosterone on hCG stimulation, increased testosterone: DHT ratio

Defects in androgen action

Androgen insensitivity syndrome:complete/partial

Increased testosterone on hCG stimulation, increased LH and AMH, abnormal androgen receptor studies